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Livio Livio Fent

My background in photography spans some 35 years beginning as a student at Vanier College in Montreal, Canada learning about the medium as an art form, and later at Concordia University (Montreal) where as a graduate student I researched photography as a scientific discipline focusing on the quantum mechanics of the latent image.

My experience in photography has generally been on the scientific side with stints as Director of Chemistry and Quality Control at Quebec Film Labs, as an Imaging Scientist involved in the betterment of aerial photography/remote sensing at Alberta Energy and Natural Resources (engineered the development and production of the differential light metering system). I've also taught courses in photographic chemistry, imaging/sensor physics, process quality control and some in photographic self-realization at the University of Alberta and Metro Continuing Education. I have published a number of research papers of which the majority deal with the imaging discipline applied to environmental science. The courses and articles can be accessed hERE.

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Copyright © 2015, Livio Fent